

To deal with the Pandemic and the isolation during that time I was grasping for straws. Luckily many amazing humans moved online and created experiences to keep us all non essentials out of funk. For the lack of access to crew and actors I started making terrible movies, originally for little online festival like the Cabin fever film festival put on by on my own just like many other people out there. This short is in no small part inspired by Zoe' Bell's "Boss bitch fight challenge" created for Darion D'Anjou One Minute Film School competition. As a filmmaker I felt the need to make an action film and I also wanted to create a comedy. This little short blends the two together for a little slapstick comedy with a deeper meaning. - Zuzana Gedeon

Purple Cauliflower

Comedy action short film.

When faced with shortage, two ladies take it a bit too far only to discover that winning the prize isn't all they expected it to be.

Zuzana Gedeon: Director